Avery Marshall

Annual Goat Roast

Imagine walking into an area full of fellow believers, sharing the love of Christ and fellowshipping over some roasted goat.  WGM hosted students and their families just over the weekend for a fun time for all. 

WGM is a student center here on Asbury’s campus that represents a mission organization, but most importantly serves the students. The center provides students with a safe space to go to and do homework, and also serve God. 

The Goat Roast, hosted annually, involves a box maze, amazing food, Photo Booth, live music, and of course, roasted goat. 

“My favorite part of this event is definitely the goat,” said Sophomore, Corrie Alford. “I don’t usually eat goat but WGM’s roasted goat is delicious.”

Along with goat and fellowship, students and families are encouraged to rest and refuel. 

“I’m a firm believer that God created us to work, but also to relax and not be stressed and so this event allows people to come and just relieve any stress they are having and just enjoy one another’s presence and being community just how God intended us to be in.”

Along with fellowship, this event can be spiritual in the sense that the WGM team wants everyone to understand that they’re welcome and this is a place they can encounter God.

“My personal favorite part of the event is just everyone coming together and fellowship,” said Junior, Caleb Rushing. “This was the first goat roast that my family was able to come into and so I got to introduce my whole family to all of my Asberry people and it was just such a fun loving experience to get to do that finally I also really enjoy the volleyball when we all just get to play together and just enjoy one another.”

Every Sunday night, WGM opens it doors for a time of hearing the word, fellowship, and just a time for our students to be together in unity. 

“We hope that the Goat Roast introduces WGM to people who have never been to their Sunday evening worship services in a positive way,” said Alford. 

James Ballard, the director of Asbury’s chapter of World Gospel Mission encourages students that “you are welcome even if they’re not interested in going on international missions.”