Campus Pulse: What was the last movie you saw in theaters?

“Um, the last movie I saw in theaters was … Knives Out.”

Gabby Long, Appointed Class

“Dude, I can’t even remember. I think … well, it’s been such a long time. I will say since quarantine, I’ve never wanted to see a movie in theaters so bad in my life. I know I saw one over winter break with my family. I think it was the Rise of Skywalker–straight up.”

Esther Kraus, Faithful Class

“Oh, I saw Tenet! Yeah, I saw it, like, last weekend.”

Lily Kesten, Surrendered Class

“Star Wars, the most recent one that came out. The Rise of Skywalker!”

Jeremiah Wafford, Courageous Class

The Asbury Collegian is an Asbury University publication. The paper is staffed entirely by Asbury students who seek to write on topics of interest to the University and the surrounding community.