Listen up: Use podcasts to grow spiritually

The word Podcast is a portmanteau, or a conjunction of the words “broadcast” and
“iPod.” The word was created in 2004 by BBC writer, Ben Hammersley, and has evolved quite a
bit since its humble origin. In 2020, one can find podcasts on baking, music, golf, architecture —
you name it!
There are also podcasts about the Savior and King whose resurrection we will celebrate
in a few days: Jesus. In other words, podcasts are yet another avenue to grow in knowledge of
the things — or the One — who matters most to us.
Whether you are a podcast connoisseur or have never listened to one before, the hardest
part of listening is knowing where to start. For your Holy Week listening, consider one of the
following categories: (A) Christ and Culture, (B) Lent to Easter suggestions or (C) Sermons.
While I certainly have not listened to every episode or even every podcast, you can trust
that the pastors and professors who recommended the preceding podcasts are seeking to know
Jesus deeply and care very much for Asbury students. Happy listening!

Christ and Culture – What does it mean to follow Jesus in the 21st century?
● This Cultural Moment — This one is a personal favorite of mine. Pastors John Mark Comer and Mark Sayers examine culture, politics, economics and worldview in light of the gospel.

● Freemind Podcast — Seth and Nirva Ready, with Stephen Robles, provide a thoughtful analysis of cultural issues using the lenses of biblical theology and philosophy.

● The Holy Post — Skye Jethani and Phil Vischer have created a podcast that contains, in their own words, “fast-paced and often funny conversation about pop culture, media, theology and the fun, fun, fun of living a thoughtful Christian life in an increasingly post-Christian culture.”

● The Bible Project — Tim Mackie and John Collins have in-depth conversations about the Bible and theology.

Lent to Easter – Specials for Holy Week.
“At Home Liturgies” from College Wesleyan Church — These 10-15 minute devotions can be done individually or as a family!

Stations of the Cross — A series of a dozen 10-minute meditations reflecting the journey of Jesus to the cross.

Sermons – Sermons are a great way to dive deeper in faith during this time. A rewarding venture would be to journey outside your denominational tradition and learn about doctrines that may slightly differ from what you are most familiar with.
Bridgetown Church — This independent Christian Church in Portland is committed to practicing the way of Jesus.

Call2disciple Podcast — Anglican Bishop Thad Barnum teaches passionately about discipleship in the local church.

Alfred Street Baptist Church — Based in Northern Virginia, this church is over 200 years old.

Transformation Church — A multi-ethnic, multi-generational, non-denominational church based in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

College Wesleyan Church — Who remembers Asbury’s 2018 Holiness speaker who earned the term of endearment, “the crouching tiger”? Asbury’s favorite guest speaker, Steve DeNeff, pastors this church in Marion, Indiana.

Madeline is a senior at Asbury University studying history and intercultural studies. As a Visionary, she fell in love with the dream of every nation surrounding the throne of God — which is prompting her towards seminary in the fall. In the meantime, she is reading, writing, making music and of course, making puns, during quarantine.

The Asbury Collegian is an Asbury University publication. The paper is staffed entirely by Asbury students who seek to write on topics of interest to the University and the surrounding community.