ASC Member of the Week: Margaret Whitworth

Class: Merciful

Major: Undecided

Branch: Student Activities Board

Committee/Role: Co-Chair of Recreational Events Committee


What is the importance of your committee/role?

My committee sponsors events that foster community and build camaraderie among students.

What has been the best moment you’ve experienced while being involved with them?

I loved watching everyone play slip-n-slide kickball at Waterpalooza. Everyone really let loose and had so much fun!

What do you want other students on campus to know about your committee/branch?

We want our events to be tons of fun and full of great memories, but we need everyone’s help to make that happen. Join a SAB committee and/or attend SAB events!


The Asbury Collegian is an Asbury University publication. The paper is staffed entirely by Asbury students who seek to write on topics of interest to the University and the surrounding community.