ASC Member of the Week: Stephanie Chen




What’s the importance of your position? 

I take notes for ASC meetings and Executive Cabinet meetings. I also keep records of all club and branch minutes.

What has been the best moment you’ve experienced while involved with Executive Cabinet? 

I have loved getting to know other people on campus, and especially bonding with other members in the Executive Cabinet. This position has allowed me to get to know people that I would never had the chance to interact with otherwise.

What do you want other students on campus to know about it? 

Although my main job is just taking notes, I still love to hear ideas and can always relay them to Executive Cabinet. Feel free to stop by my office in the upstairs of the Stuce and just talk and hang out with me.

The Asbury Collegian is an Asbury University publication. The paper is staffed entirely by Asbury students who seek to write on topics of interest to the University and the surrounding community.